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Getting Involved At Church

The Adult Choir is a dynamic group whose sole purpose is to praise our Lord with their voices. You are welcome to join after Confirmation. We sing a great variety of music to our Lord and give our musical offerings approximately twice a month.

Decorate the altar with flowers in honor or memory of a loved one, anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Just sign up on the Flower Chart, located at the west end of the Narthex. We have a florist who arranges and delivers the flowers for a donation (call the office for the amount and make check payable to the Altar Guild). During Lenten Season there are no altar flowers.

The Altar Guild is a volunteer group of women (though it is open to men also) who serve the congregation and the Lord through caring for the Altar and the Sacraments. Responsibilities include preparing Communion for Worship, caring for the candles, paraments, linens, Communion ware and acolyte robes, making banners and Baptismal napkins, decorating the church for holidays. All members of the congregation are welcome to join.

A wide variety of Bible classes are offered through the congregation. All Bible classes are advertised in the church bulletin each week. The newsletter and the bulletin announce the beginning of new classes.

On the 1st Sunday of each month from 9:15-10:30 am come to the church office to have your blood pressure taken by a volunteer certified health care professional. This ministry is intended to reach the members of St. Paul’s as well as anyone in the community who would like their blood pressure monitored. The guidelines of this ministry have been set by the American Heart Association.

The store features many versions of the Bible, as well as Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, hymnals, and study materials for Bible Classes. Christian fiction and non-fiction books for all ages are included. There are gift items (jewelry, plaques, stationery) stocked for your convenience. Greeting cards of all kinds are also available. Thee Bookstore is located in the narthex and open Sundays from 9:00 -10:30 am.

Playing at festival services and for special occasions, as requested, the Brass Choir is made up of trumpeters, trombonists, and other brass players. Rehearsals are usually held between services on Sunday in the balcony.

Bulletins are a source of communication to members and guests attending services. They communicate news about worship services, ministries, bible studies, special activities, events and more. Help is needed with collating and copying.

This ministry is designed to minister to our members in times of illness, death, birth and wedding congratulations. A card is sent to the member expressing care and concern with the church’s phone number and it is signed by the members of the Service and Mission Outreach board. When appropriate, a Meals Ministry bookmark is also sent.

For information on confidential Christian counseling contact Pastor O’Donnell 262-567-5001 ext. 217.

The Christmas Sharing Tree is an opportunity to provide and share the gifts God has given to us to those in need. At Christmastime members take a gift tag from the Caring Tree and buy gifts for those in need. After wrapping the gift, it is returned under the tree and distributed to those families and individuals.

Help is needed in the office for various tasks associated with ministries, services, meetings and special events. The office is open 7:00 am – 3:30 pm M-F (unless otherwise noted). For a recording of service times or to leave a voicemail message, call the office.

The Youth Group serves a bountiful breakfast Easter morning thanks to congregational donations. Help is needed setting up, cooking, serving and cleaning up.

The primary concern of this board is the spiritual welfare of all St. Paul’s members. This involves a variety of activities, including supervision of worship services, evaluating and reviewing worship attendance and Communion participation, the acceptance of new members, establishing and monitoring Confirmation standards and instruction, and anything that impacts our members spiritually.

The endowment fund is a charitable, non-profit fund organized by the congregation. Its purpose is to receive gifts (by memorials, bequests through wills, tributes, individual giving, or beneficiary of life insurance) for the mission and ministry of St. Paul’s. The fund may use income for such items as student aid, renovation, expansion, and maintenance of church property, educational needs, mission projects, social and youth ministries, and to aid in the spiritual growth of our own congregational members.

The Epistle is St. Paul’s monthly newsletter and is an important source of information and communication. Featured monthly are: Birthdays, Bible Studies, Board announcements, Church Calendar, Ministry updates, a listing of Sponsors, Older Adult & Women’s Ministry news, Worship dates & times, Volunteer Opportunities and correspondence from our Pastors, Missionaries, Executive Director, School and Teachers. The newsletter is sent to your home or may be accessed by visiting our website:

Family Promise provides temporary shelter and case management services for homeless families and individuals in Waukesha County. Find out more information about Family Promise at

St. Paul’s Oconomowoc Food Pantry – Lord’s Cupboard provides food for members of our congregation and in the Oconomowoc community at times when they have special needs. People may help by providing food, donations of money, packing groceries and delivering them. The St. Paul’s Oconomowoc Oconomowoc Food Pantry – Lord’s Cupboard is open for anyone in need of assistance with groceries on the first and third Mondays 5:30-6:30 pm. A free community meal that can be eaten and or taken home is served on the third Monday. Names are kept confidential.

This ministry is for families who would like a lunch served after a loved one’s funeral. Families provide the food (catered or delivered) and the Ladies Aid Society set the tables and serves the food in the Fellowship Hall. For more information, contact any Pastor and the Ladies Aid Society.

At each of the weekend services, we have people who serve as greeters before the service. Because we have two main entrances (the front of the church into the Narthex and the quadruple doors by the school), greeters are stationed at both locations.

St. Paul’s is a member of the Lutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee. This means that any student from our congregation may attend at Association tuition. Lake Country Lutheran High School is located in Hartland.

Those interested in using their instrumental skills in worship at all services are encouraged to do so. Our Music Director develops a schedule, by which these gifts are used in worship.

This is a group of men, who take their responsibility as Christian husbands and fathers seriously. They want to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and discover how exciting the ‘journey” with Christ through life. They meet on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at Maxim’s at 7:30 a.m. They also organize fellowship activities during the year.

We welcome all women from our congregation to join us on the first Thursday of the month from September through June. Our functions include several bake sales and the annual Mother-Daughter Banquet in May. We also serve for funerals and support our church and school with donations of monies and gifts.

In support of St. Paul’s mission, “Receiving and giving the love and hope of Christ”, this group provides opportunities for widows, widowers, and single seniors to be an active presence at church and in the community by practicing and encouraging members to be involved in ministry, service, and fellowship. We also engage in a support group which meets monthly to share with and support those who have lost a spouse or friend.

The Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) is a volunteer organization of 150,000 members and is an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Lutheran Hour Ministries is a service of LLL and broadcasts Christian communications around the world to fulfill their mission “Bringing Christ to the Nations – and the Nations to the Church.”

The LWML is the official women’s organization of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, dedicated to all aspects of mission service through a wide variety of opportunities. St. Paul’s LWML meets the first Tuesday of each month (September through May) at 6:00 p.m. All women who are communicant members of the LCMS and choose to support and participate in LWML are welcome!

Meals are provided for a fellow Christian whose household is disrupted due to illness, surgery, birth, or death in the family. (If the timing is not good, just say so.) Meals would be provided on a short-term basis. You would be asked about the number of people in the family, dietary restrictions, time and place to deliver the meal.

This board makes sure the building is kept clean because it is God’s house. We help to keep all the boards and organizations working toward one goal—Reaching, Serving and Growing Disciples—by maintaining the property and keeping it attractive.

Members of LWML sew 60” x 80” quilts out of leftover material, drapery samples or donated yard goods. Old sheets, thin blankets or old curtains are used for filler. These quilts are used in third world countries for use as partitions, to carry belongings, as well as coverings. They are sewn most of the year and shipped in October to Lutheran World Relief or the Orphan Grain Train through the Lutheran Laymen’s League.

Each Sunday at 8:00 a.m. St. Paul’s Worship is broadcast live over WTKM, 1540 AM and 104.9 FM, as well as certain other special services. Anyone who is interested may serve as an announcer. We are also looking for sponsors. Consider a special Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one, anniversaries, birthday etc.

Our Sunday School classes take place Sunday mornings from 9:15–10:15 am. All children in grades 4K–6th grade are invited and encouraged to attend Sunday School to learn about the Bible and how God’s Word gives us good news of salvation. Each lesson connects us to who we are in Christ and how that identity helps us live in faith. We encourage ALL St. Paul’s families (regardless of what school kids attend) to participate.

Ushers help the Board of Elders during services. Responsibilities include handing out bulletins, collecting the offerings, ushering people for Communion, and straightening up the sanctuary after service. All members, male or female, who are confirmed, are welcome to become ushers.

Those interested in using their vocal abilities in worship are encouraged to do so. Our Music Director develops a schedule, by which these gifts are used in worship.

Our ministry is to the young people of St. Paul’s, involving them in the work of Christ, providing for their spiritual growth and nurture, and promoting genuine Christian fellowship. St. Paul’s Youth Group is for teens from 5th grade through 12th grade. Their activities throughout the year include regular Bible study, Fellowship, and Prayer along with service projects, delivering Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food bags.