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St. Paul’s Early Childhood Center is devoted to helping your child develop his/her social skills, emotional well-being, large motor growth skills, self-help skills, language development and building cognitive skills. All of the learning is done in age appropriate classrooms with pre-planned activities.


Toddler–2 Year Old

Our staff will use this list below as a guideline for their daily lesson plans. Toddlers are not expected to accomplish or master all tasks and activities. Our goal is to have the children be introduced to the different learning areas and have them master the tasks as they are able with the help of the teachers and parents.

  • Gain knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things He does for us
  • Taught to understand that they are a special gift from God
  • Encouraged to share their love and kindness with others through their actions
  • Participate in Christian activities such as games, songs, and stories
  • Hear stories from the Bible
  • Learn how to express their emotions
  • Develop the ability to repeat songs, rhymes and finger plays
  • Introduced to different sounds by use of games and audio equipment
  • Involved in daily story time
  • Have access to storybooks throughout the day
  • Introduced to shapes and colors
  • Learn how to count out loud with the teacher
  • Introduced to simple puzzles
  • Introduced to basic concepts such as: big/small, soft/hard, hot/cold
  • Learn to roll, toss and catch balls
  • Master the skill of walking
  • Learn to jump or hop on both feet
  • Participate in indoor and outdoor games and activities
  • Use large crayons
  • Paint with a large paintbrush
  • Learn hand/eye coordination by placing objects into containers
  • Develop hand strength by rolling, squeezing, and pounding play dough
  • Will play independently with others
  • Participate in group games and activities
  • Learn how to help at clean up time
  • Will learn how to make a smooth transition at drop off time
  • Will learn to start feeding self
  • Introduced to utensils and cups
  • Learn and sing songs
  • Introduced to rhythm of music by clapping, singing, and listening
  • Play and do activities with different musical instruments
  • Large motor activities done with music including creative movement, games, dancing exercises, and parachute play

3K Preschool

The 3K preschool program builds on the skills your child learned in their previous program and are tailored to your child’s individual learning style. We offer guidance, support and encouragement so that your child can develop at his/her own pace.

  • Gain knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things He does for us
  • Taught to understand that they are a special gift from God
  • Encouraged to share their love and kindness with others through their actions
  • Participate in Christian activities such as games, songs, and stories
  • Hear stories from the Bible
  • Take part in chapel which is led by the teachers and pastors of St. Paul’s.
  • Will be introduced to monthly devotional sayings from the Bible
  • Encourage them to use 4-10 words to express themselves
  • Will gain skills on how to sit in a small group and participate in stories and related activities
  • Will start to use the correct tense of: I, he, she, me, him, etc.
  • Encourage to share information or thoughts during group time
  • Will start to identify letters in their name
  • Start to write or imitate writing their name
  • Learn to identify and name colors and shapes
  • Build their counting skills
  • Will learn to count in a row
  • Identify numbers 1-5
  • Learn values of numbers
  • Write numbers
  • Engage in calendar time and be introduced to the days of the week and months
  • Start holding and cutting with a scissors
  • Start to color in the lines
  • Glue & paste projects together
  • Will string 7-10 or more beads
  • Start to draw simple pictures and lines
  • Start holding and cutting with a scissors
  • Start to color in the lines
  • Glue & paste projects together
  • Will string 7-10 or more beads
  • Start to draw simple pictures and lines
  • Develop friends and learn what friendship means
  • Develop socials skills while being with other children
  • Develop the skill to follow simple one-part directions
  • Learn to take care of personal property
  • Learn how to help clean-up
  • Develop the skill of walking and waiting with a group in line for an activity
  • Learn basic manners and sharing
  • Be able to use the bathroom by them self
  • Learn to put on shoes, coat and a change of clothes if needed
  • Help set up and clean up own space
  • Start to identify some body parts: arms. legs, head, feet, etc.
  • Will learn and sing songs
  • Will be surrounded by different types of music such as: classical, religious, contemporary and children’s favorites
  • Will have the opportunity to do a small performance for their families and congregation

Your child will be given many opportunities and encouraged to express himself/herself through their own creative ideas.

  • Learn to use art supplies such as paints, watercolors, glue, glitter, finger paints, construction paper, etc.
  • Will learn how to hold a scissors and then progress from basic cutting skills to cutting on the lines
  • Will learn to identify numerous colors

4K Preschool

4K preschool program continues to build on the skills that your child learned in the previous program and are tailored to your child’s individual learning style. We offer guidance, support and encouragement so that your child can develop at his/her own pace.

  • Gain knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the wonderful things He does for us
  • Taught to understand that they are a special gift from God
  • Encouraged to share their love and kindness with others through their actions
  • Participate in Christian activities such as games, songs, and stories
  • Hear stories from the Bible
  • Take part in chapel which is led by the teachers and pastors of St. Paul’s.
  • Will be introduced to monthly devotional sayings from the Bible
  • Will identify and name the letters in their name
  • Will start to write their name and other words
  • Introduced to the alphabet and will start to identify and write the letters
  • Learn the sounds of letters
  • Identify and write numbers 1-20+
  • Learn how to sequence patterns and objects
  • Introduced to the concept of adding and subtracting
  • Put 5-10 piece puzzles together
  • Do activities that promote problem-solving skills
  • Be able to hop on one foot and then alternate on command
  • Develop a sense of balance by using the balance beam
  • Do exercises that promote a healthy body
  • Participate in outside daily play
  • Use scissors to cut on patterned lines
  • Color within the lines
  • Learn how to correctly hold and use a pencil
  • Continue learning hand/eye control
  • Develop social skills while being with other children such as manners, feelings, courtesy, etc.
  • Will follow one and two part directions
  • Will learn to wait for his or her turn
  • Participate in games and activities that develop teamwork skills
  • Be able to use the bathroom by themself
  • Learn to put on their shoes, coat and clothes
  • Help set up and clean up own space
  • Will be able to identify some body parts
  • Will be encouraged to do tasks by themselves to promote confidence
  • Will learn and sing songs
  • Will be surrounded by different types of music such as: classical, religious, contemporary and children’s favorites
  • Will have the opportunity to do a small performance for their families and congregation

Your child will be given many opportunities and encouraged to express himself/herself through their own creative ideas.

  • Learn to use art supplies such as paints, watercolors, glue, glitter, finger paints, construction paper, etc.
  • Will learn how to hold a scissors and then progress from basic cutting skills to cutting on the lines
  • Will learn to identify numerous colors